Hello dear friends. It has been again a long while since we updated our blog. hihihihi..... We are very good. We left Bangkok a week ago and are now in Siem Reip - Cambodia, enjoying beautiful temples of Angkor. We took a 3 day pass which is valid for a week so we...
from Sisophon to Kralanh
This morning we woke up quite early (6.00am). The sky looked very cloudy and there was no sun, as Mirko predicted the evening before. But it was not raining, which was good. While Mirko was out on his fruit mission for breakfast, I checked my email and the weather...
border crossing at Poi Pet
Leaving Bangkok
After a few days of delaying our departure from Bangkok we were finally ready and very excited to start cycling again. We decided to take a train out of Bangkok because of the big flooding. So we only had to come to the train station. We had our little adventure...
to Vientiane
from Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng
We woke up just before Sylvia, our Italian friend, knocked on the door to say goodbye. She saw that I had just woken up and asked me with questioning eyes if we were sure that we wanted to leave. I smiled and told her that today we will leave for sure, maybe not as...